I am sorry for the long absence but we were in Mexico on vacation. We totally brought the kiddo - babies fly for free yo! - and it was a ton of fun. Vacationing with a baby was a totally new experience. Isn't vacation about RELAXING? But it was relaxing, just in a different way. K loved the beach and the water. He really liked putting sand in his mouth so we had to play on the towel :) He loved walking around OUTSIDE to see all the things and the people and the dolphins at the dolphin sanctuary right next to our hotel. DOLPHIN BABIES you guys! I died!
It's serious winter in Minnesota and so we haven't been able to take him outside to do anything for a long time. He loved the fresh air and the sound of the ocean. It was a great experience to get to have with him. It's too bad he won't remember this vacation, but we'll bring him on more when he's older and he'll remember those. I will never forget this trip - the first time my baby swam in the sea.

I have more pictures on my camera - so I'll upload some of those later this week when I have more time.
So now we are back. Back to the frigid weather - MN is in a really cold spell. Back to work - things are busy as always. And back to working out - except I totally forgot my running shoes today and so I lifted weights in the gym in my socks. I'm that girl. Ha.
We did do some exercise in Mexico though. We walked 3 miles with my parents every single morning. That was an awesome way to start the day. Two of the mornings Pete and I ran about 3.5 - 4 miles. That was also awesome. It's been a LONG time since I've had an outdoor run. And on one of the days we snorkeled. I know that doesn't sound like a workout but we swam out to the reef from shore - and there was a pretty serious current - snorkeled and then swam all the way back. I was breathing heavy and my quads were on fire. So yeah - it was a definite workout. Whoo hoo! Three workouts on vacation.
We're huddled in for the next couple of weeks. Lots of soup recipes in our future to warm our souls.
March can't get here soon enough. In March my nephew will be born (or already here). My husband will turn 32 (gasp we're old). Just kidding - I love my thirties. And by March Spring will be just around the corner.
Until then it's soup and socks and sweaters. Blankets and boots.
Did anyone else take a winter vacation this year? Have one planned for the coming months? Tell me about it in the comments! I'm going to do a give away soon to try to get more people to come out of the woodwork and comment on the ole blog!
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