Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 is Flying

Wow - I haven't had time to post lately. Work and life have both been crazy. I'll try to recap the last 6 days. 

Last week was a good week. It was nice to have a break right in the middle of the week too. I've been keeping up with my workouts but I've had less time in the gym so you'll see I've been needing to do shorter, more intense workouts. It's good cross training and at least I'm still getting them in. I'm proud of my efforts in 2014 considering everything I have going on these days. 

Thursday's Workouts
Workout: Treadmill Run
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 22:21
Pace: 7:38/mile!!!!!!

Workout: Broomball (at 9pm)
Duration: 40 minutes

It was two workouts in one day! I definitely felt it in my quads.

Friday's Workout: 
All of the treadmills in the gym were taken with New Year's resolutioners. ARG! Very frustrating. I mean I am happy that people get motivated and I support everyone going to the gym. It was just really frustrating to have all 4 treadmills taken with people WALKING. I digress. 

Workout: 2 Lift Circuits (focusing on abs for the beach) and then Elliptical
Duration: 20 minutes Lifting, 20 Minutes on the Elliptical

We had a great weekend. Spent a lot of time indoors because of the weather, but we had fun. Kellan had his first swim lesson on Saturday. It was SO CUTE. He loves the water and we even practiced going under water. When the instructor said we were going to practice submersion 10 minutes into the lesson I was a little surprised, but hey she's the expert. :) Kellan did great. He didn't love going under water but he tolerated it and came up surprised to see Mama smiling and cheering. I am sure with time he'll be a little dolphin baby. So much fun. I can't wait to keep taking him. We'll go every week on Saturday morning. 

On Sunday we went over to Grandma's house for lunch. She made us this amazing beef stew. It was so good and really fun to spend some time with her. Kellan loves spending time with his grandparents. Then Oma came over to see Kellan in the afternoon. What a great day. We put Kellan down for a nap around 4:30pm and then Pete and I had a Big Lake IPA and watched the Packers lose to the 49ers :)

This week has been crazy at work and we had to work from home on Monday because Kellan's daycare closed in accordance with the governor's shut down of schools. The temps outside were ridiculous at -50 in some places, but we stayed inside. Luckily Tuesday daycare was reopened and we were able to get back to the office. 

Tuesday's Workout: 
Workout: Treadmill Run
Distance: 3.5 miles
Pace 8:01/mile
I really wasn't feeling this work out at all. But I slogged in the miles and got it done. 

I've leave you with a picture of K eating a baby cookie thing. He LOVES these things even though he hates baby food veggies and fruit. He'll tolerate rice cereal. Give him one of these bland baby cookies and he'll eat it all on his own. Crazy how fast you are growing peanut guy. 

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