Today you turned 6 months old. I can't even begin to describe how joyous the last half year has been for your dad and I. We knew we were going to love being parents, but kiddo you switched the meaning of happy for me to something completely new. I've never known so much joy, so much pride and so much wonderment. I have loved watching you grow and learn. You are amazing in so many ways. You melt my heart and those quiet times we spend together in the middle of the night when I am rocking you quietly back to sleep are some of the most precious moments I've ever experienced in my life. I wouldn't trade them for anything kiddo. You are my favorite person in this whole world. I love you more than I ever knew I could love anyone. I can't wait to see what the next half year brings. Life with you is so exciting.
You were such a tiny little frog guy. And honestly when you came home I did everything I knew to make you happy and healthy. But let's be honest - I didn't know exactly what I was doing :)
Together we have learned so much about each other and I feel so much a MAMA now. I know what you need, when you need it and you know you can count on me and your dad for anything. What an awesome feeling.
You've done so much in the last 6 months. One of my favorite things is when you started to smile. And now you smile ALL THE TIME. You smile and you laugh. Kiddo your laugh - it kills me! Your dad and I can't help but laugh when you laugh. It's so contagious and it brightens our day. Here's a picture of those early days when a smile was a rare treat and you were still learning about smiling.
You learned how to play in your exersaucer.....
And now we're lucky if you'll go in there because you are too BIG of a BOY for such things. You would much rather sit on the floor and play with toys because you can sit up on your own now. Or stand at your activity table (with some occasional balance help) and beat on all the keys that make music like the totally hardcore little boy you are. I never knew how innate some of those boy qualities were until I met you. You love other babies and kids - and that's so cool. I love to watch you playing with other kiddos.
You've changed my life and I can't tell you how amazing it is, but I hope it's the same for you. I hope you can feel how much I love you every day and I hope you are loving the life your dad and I are making with you.
You are so good at tummy time and you are seriously DAYS AWAY from crawling I swear.
You love dogs and you love our cat, Ribley. He tolerates you more than most company, Bub, so he must like you a little :)Wyatt is your good buddy. He is so patient with you and I can tell the two of you will be best friends soon.
Oh the helmet. The helmet will be but a blip in your life since you only have to wear it for 12 weeks. It's already been 2 weeks and you rock that helmet dude. You are too cool. :) And after those 12 weeks your head will be all perfect and round and if you want to shave your head and wear a mohawk when you grow up - well you'll be able to!
We've started swimming lessons and you are a water baby already. I love that about you. There are so many things I love about you kid.
You continue to amaze me every day. You are growing so fast and I need to stop and hold onto every moment of this journey while you grow. I love you more than you know my peanut guy.

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