Thursday, January 30, 2014

A workout and a few more pictures

I am super stoked about my workout today. I actually remembered to bring my running shoes to work with me today! Go Mama!! I did not, however, bring a towel. Oh goodness.

I did not let this lack of towel deter me. I am going to get in my 3 workouts this week. I have to. I had been sort of just showing up at the gym for the last 3 - 4 weeks "getting in" the workouts I need. I haven't been focused on any goals or really pushing myself. It was the holidays, then I was sick and then we were getting ready to go out of town. And so I was just showing up at the gym and slogging through a workout so I could get one of my three check marks for the week. Which is fine. Some weeks are like that and hey I'm just glad I kept my promise to myself to get my butt to the gym.

Today I went down with the intention of running 3 miles. I wanted to get in a run that "counts" and for me that means it has to be at least 3 miles long. I wanted to check the box and call it a day. Especially since I was already bummed that I didn't have a towel and tonight I have broomball so I'll be running a lot tonight on the ice. But at the end of mile one I was feeling good. Not only was I feeling good, I was feeling competitive. I started to think about my running goals for the year and I just decided I wanted a solid run under my belt.

Thursday's Workout: Treadmill Run
Distance: 5 miles (yay!)
Time: 38:36
Pace: 7:43/mile - (hollaaaaa!!) This is a really good pace for me for this distance so I am really happy.

So yeah I was really excited about my run. Even when I had to use paper towels to dry off after my shower ha ha ha. Some days are just like that. You start a run and you FEEL it. Those days are awesome and I capitalize on them whenever I can.

I also uploaded my Mexico pictures from my camera - so here are just a couple other gems from our trip in case you aren't friends with me on Facebook to see them there. Starting with a picture of Kellan so pooped from swimming in the morning that I was able to change his diaper through a cry fest and couldn't even get his (dry) rash guard off before he passed out. We've never napped together like this so it was really special for me to have him sleep on me for a couple of hours. I even dozed a little myself at the end.

Obviously we had a blast and I miss Mexico already.

Tonight I have a broomball game. The game doesn't start until 9pm which means it will be later to bed than normal for me and it's likely that I'll be tired tomorrow.

I'm back to home cooked meals after eating out for every meal in Mexico. I love eating out on vacation but by the end of the trip you start craving plain meals. Or at least I do. So it's been nice to be home. We made some spicy minestrone soup on Sunday and had some turkey burgers and mashed potatoes this week. We're stocked up on turkey sausages and veggies. All the fruits in Mexico were SO GOOD and I miss then, but I was sure to pick up what fruits I could at the grocery store this week. Back to healthy :)

Hoping to get in a workout tomorrow as well, but some other lunch plans may push my third workout of the week into this weekend. We'll see.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January Vacation

Hello Again!

I am sorry for the long absence but we were in Mexico on vacation. We totally brought the kiddo - babies fly for free yo! - and it was a ton of fun. Vacationing with a baby was a totally new experience. Isn't vacation about RELAXING? But it was relaxing, just in a different way. K loved the beach and the water. He really liked putting sand in his mouth so we had to play on the towel :) He loved walking around OUTSIDE to see all the things and the people and the dolphins at the dolphin sanctuary right next to our hotel. DOLPHIN BABIES you guys! I died!

It's serious winter in Minnesota and so we haven't been able to take him outside to do anything for a long time. He loved the fresh air and the sound of the ocean. It was a great experience to get to have with him. It's too bad he won't remember this vacation, but we'll bring him on more when he's older and he'll remember those. I will never forget this trip - the first time my baby swam in the sea.

I have more pictures on my camera - so I'll upload some of those later this week when I have more time.

So now we are back. Back to the frigid weather - MN is in a really cold spell. Back to work - things are busy as always. And back to working out - except I totally forgot my running shoes today and so I lifted weights in the gym in my socks. I'm that girl. Ha.

We did do some exercise in Mexico though. We walked 3 miles with my parents every single morning. That was an awesome way to start the day. Two of the mornings Pete and I ran about 3.5 - 4 miles. That was also awesome. It's been a LONG time since I've had an outdoor run. And on one of the days we snorkeled. I know that doesn't sound like a workout but we swam out to the reef from shore - and there was a pretty serious current - snorkeled and then swam all the way back. I was breathing heavy and my quads were on fire. So yeah - it was a definite workout. Whoo hoo! Three workouts on vacation.

We're huddled in for the next couple of weeks. Lots of soup recipes in our future to warm our souls.

March can't get here soon enough. In March my nephew will be born (or already here). My husband will turn 32 (gasp we're old). Just kidding - I love my thirties. And by March Spring will be just around the corner.

Until then it's soup and socks and sweaters. Blankets and boots.

Did anyone else take a winter vacation this year? Have one planned for the coming months? Tell me about it in the comments! I'm going to do a give away soon to try to get more people to come out of the woodwork and comment on the ole blog!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dear Kellan - 6 months

Dear Kellan -

Today you turned 6 months old. I can't even begin to describe how joyous the last half year has been for your dad and I. We knew we were going to love being parents, but kiddo you switched the meaning of happy for me to something completely new. I've never known so much joy, so much pride and so much wonderment. I have loved watching you grow and learn. You are amazing in so many ways. You melt my heart and those quiet times we spend together in the middle of the night when I am rocking you quietly back to sleep are some of the most precious moments I've ever experienced in my life. I wouldn't trade them for anything kiddo. You are my favorite person in this whole world. I love you more than I ever knew I could love anyone. I can't wait to see what the next half year brings. Life with you is so exciting.

You were such a tiny little frog guy. And honestly when you came home I did everything I knew to make you happy and healthy. But let's be honest - I didn't know exactly what I was doing :)

Together we have learned so much about each other and I feel so much a MAMA now. I know what you need, when you need it and you know you can count on me and your dad for anything. What an awesome feeling.

You've done so much in the last 6 months. One of my favorite things is when you started to smile. And now you smile ALL THE TIME. You smile and you laugh. Kiddo your laugh - it kills me! Your dad and I can't help but laugh when you laugh. It's so contagious and it brightens our day. Here's a picture of those early days when a smile was a rare treat and you were still learning about smiling.

You learned how to play in your exersaucer.....

And now we're lucky if you'll go in there because you are too BIG of a BOY for such things. You would much rather sit on the floor and play with toys because you can sit up on your own now. Or stand at your activity table (with some occasional balance help) and beat on all the keys that make music like the totally hardcore little boy you are. I never knew how innate some of those boy qualities were until I met you. You love other babies and kids - and that's so cool. I love to watch you playing with other kiddos.

You've changed my life and I can't tell you how amazing it is, but I hope it's the same for you. I hope you can feel how much I love you every day and I hope you are loving the life your dad and I are making with you.

You are so good at tummy time and you are seriously DAYS AWAY from crawling I swear.

You love dogs and you love our cat, Ribley. He tolerates you more than most company, Bub, so he must like you a little :)Wyatt is your good buddy. He is so patient with you and I can tell the two of you will be best friends soon.

Oh the helmet. The helmet will be but a blip in your life since you only have to wear it for 12 weeks. It's already been 2 weeks and you rock that helmet dude. You are too cool. :) And after those 12 weeks your head will be all perfect and round and if you want to shave your head and wear a mohawk when you grow up - well you'll be able to!

We've started swimming lessons and you are a water baby already. I love that about you. There are so many things I love about you kid.

You continue to amaze me every day. You are growing so fast and I need to stop and hold onto every moment of this journey while you grow. I love you more than you know my peanut guy.

Photo: We love you Kellan!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 is Flying

Wow - I haven't had time to post lately. Work and life have both been crazy. I'll try to recap the last 6 days. 

Last week was a good week. It was nice to have a break right in the middle of the week too. I've been keeping up with my workouts but I've had less time in the gym so you'll see I've been needing to do shorter, more intense workouts. It's good cross training and at least I'm still getting them in. I'm proud of my efforts in 2014 considering everything I have going on these days. 

Thursday's Workouts
Workout: Treadmill Run
Distance: 3 miles
Time: 22:21
Pace: 7:38/mile!!!!!!

Workout: Broomball (at 9pm)
Duration: 40 minutes

It was two workouts in one day! I definitely felt it in my quads.

Friday's Workout: 
All of the treadmills in the gym were taken with New Year's resolutioners. ARG! Very frustrating. I mean I am happy that people get motivated and I support everyone going to the gym. It was just really frustrating to have all 4 treadmills taken with people WALKING. I digress. 

Workout: 2 Lift Circuits (focusing on abs for the beach) and then Elliptical
Duration: 20 minutes Lifting, 20 Minutes on the Elliptical

We had a great weekend. Spent a lot of time indoors because of the weather, but we had fun. Kellan had his first swim lesson on Saturday. It was SO CUTE. He loves the water and we even practiced going under water. When the instructor said we were going to practice submersion 10 minutes into the lesson I was a little surprised, but hey she's the expert. :) Kellan did great. He didn't love going under water but he tolerated it and came up surprised to see Mama smiling and cheering. I am sure with time he'll be a little dolphin baby. So much fun. I can't wait to keep taking him. We'll go every week on Saturday morning. 

On Sunday we went over to Grandma's house for lunch. She made us this amazing beef stew. It was so good and really fun to spend some time with her. Kellan loves spending time with his grandparents. Then Oma came over to see Kellan in the afternoon. What a great day. We put Kellan down for a nap around 4:30pm and then Pete and I had a Big Lake IPA and watched the Packers lose to the 49ers :)

This week has been crazy at work and we had to work from home on Monday because Kellan's daycare closed in accordance with the governor's shut down of schools. The temps outside were ridiculous at -50 in some places, but we stayed inside. Luckily Tuesday daycare was reopened and we were able to get back to the office. 

Tuesday's Workout: 
Workout: Treadmill Run
Distance: 3.5 miles
Pace 8:01/mile
I really wasn't feeling this work out at all. But I slogged in the miles and got it done. 

I've leave you with a picture of K eating a baby cookie thing. He LOVES these things even though he hates baby food veggies and fruit. He'll tolerate rice cereal. Give him one of these bland baby cookies and he'll eat it all on his own. Crazy how fast you are growing peanut guy. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The dude gets a helmet... and NYE

Well it's back to the daily grind. The holiday vacation time is all used up and it's back to work per usual. 

We had some great time off of work - spending time as a family and lots of time with K dude. He got fitted for his helmet a few weeks back and his appt on Tuesday was to get the actual helmet. He has plagiocephaly which is just a fancy medical term for a flat spot on the back of his head. It happened because we swaddled him and only laid him on his back. It's very common. It's a purely aesthetic problem - so the helmet was optional. We decided to go ahead with it since he will only have to wear it for 3 months and then he'll have a perfectly shaped little noggin. I figured he won't care about wearing a helmet now and then when he's older he won't have to worry about having a flat looking spot on his head. 

I ordered stickers from a girl on Etsy that designs roller derby helmet stickers. I asked her to come up with something that would make him look a little bad ass, and I think it turned out great. Our little future roller derby, football, hockey, la crosse, insert helmet sport here dude: 

I couldn't love that kid more. He doesn't seem to mind his helmet and he'll start wearing it 22 - 23 hours a day once he gets through the first few days breaking it in. Here he is bonding with his older brother, Wyatt. :) Wyatt is so patient with him letting him grab big hunks of fur and drooling all over him. He likes to give Kellan a few too many kisses - ha - but we're working on that. No kisses Wyatt! 

New Year's Eve ended up being so much fun. My sister in law suggested that we do a fondue night. We used to go once a year to The Melting Pot, but last year had a bad experience there and vowed we would never go back. This year we hosted a fondue party at our house with Mitch, Carly, Elise, Tom and baby Eva. 

(Party Babies)

It was so much cheaper and super fun. We made a cheese fondue with cheeses, beer and garlic. We also did two broth bases for the main course - a coq a vin and a mojo - both recipes replicating exactly what we would have gotten at The Melting Pot. And ended the night with a dairy free chocolate dipping sauce. It was so much fun and I feel so lucky to have great friends. We didn't get to bed until later than normal and then of course K had a tough night. Dang it. Oh well. I think he might have an ear infection so it's back to the pediatrician this week. We need to make sure he's in tip top shape because we LEAVE FOR MEXICO IN JUST OVER TWO WEEKS!!!
