Last weekend was a good one. The weather is finally warming to a temperature that is just barely tolerable when you step outside and that's been so good for my mindset. I can't wait for spring to be here. To go for walks after work. For Kellan to learn how to walk on the grass instead of standing at the window staring out at the snow.
So I'll start with how my training plan has been going.
Saturday: I actually did Stretch and Strengthen - stretching and planks for 20 minutes on the floor in Kellan's room while he played. Whoo hoo!
Monday's Workout: Ran 4 miles on the treadmill. I don't remember my pace, but I got in 4 miles.
Tuesday's Workout: A good lift session, abs and more stretching.
Wednesday's Workout: Ran 8 miles at an 8:20/mile pace. Wow - I am ahead of my training plan in mileage and that feels really good. Wednesdays we have a competition at work for most steps and that was definitely a motivating factor in how many miles I got in. My total fitbit miles for the day were over 12 since I also did a lot of walking that day. Awesome.
Thursday: Rest Day - but we did stick Kellan in the BOB stroller after work and went for a long walk with Wyatt. We had to get out and enjoy the sun and 40 degree weather.
Friday's Workout: This morning I woke up and came into work early. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill BEFORE work. I can't even remember the last time I did that, but I have lunch plans today with the girls at work so I had to get it in. I am so happy that I made the decision and came in and got it done. Run for today - check.
I've been doing really great with getting my miles in. My training plan wants me to run 4 days a week, but I'm fine with 3 or 4 days depending on the week. I need to COMMIT to the stretch and strengthen days though. I am so guilty of not doing that. Why is it that I can go for a run that takes me over an hour, but I find it hard on the weekends to sit down and stretch for 15 - 20 minutes? It doesn't make sense. I also find myself skipping lift days when in my mind I KNOW how important cross training is. I convince myself at times that getting in more miles will help me more. But I know that stretching and strengthening will ultimately make me a better runner than a few more 3 mile training runs. So like before when I committed on this blog to run at least 3 times a week, I am committing to stretching. Should it really be that hard? :) Anyone else find this to be the case for them? Please tell me I'm not alone here!!!!
In other news Kellan is awesome. God I love that kid. Pete and I were talking just the other night about how fast everything is happening. He's trying to walk at daycare. WALK! I mean what happened to my little tiny peanut guy that couldn't even hold his own head up? Don't get me wrong it's amazing. Watching him grow is so cool. He's learning so much. You can't stop him from standing anymore. He's crawling all over the house and pulling himself up onto everything. PULLING HIMSELF UP. It's just crazy. And awesome.
This weekend we have some fun plans. Tonight we have dinner with Oma and Papa. Saturday Kellan has swim lessons and then we are going to watch the Wild game with some friends, Elise and Tom and Kellan's best friend, Eva :) Sunday we are having lunch with Grandma Janet. It's going to be a great weekend. I can't wait for the kind of weather when we can get outside and go for more walks. Especially since Kellan LOVES being outside. I'll leave with a picture of the kiddo being a ham - I love it. Have a great weekend everyone!
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