Friday night we stayed in as a little family unit. I was tired since the dude was up quite a bit on Thursday night so I think I was in bed before 9:30pm. It's not an uncommon occurrence for me and I realize this makes me incredibly lame. Or maybe it just makes me a mom. And being a mom is pretty awesome in my book.
Anyway - Saturday mornings Kellan has his swim lessons. This week dad wanted to take him in the water so I got to watch and take lots of pictures. It was super fun.

After swim lessons we did some major grocery shopping and headed home to eat lunch. Once we got everything put away and some grub in our tummies we headed to the Minneapolis Convention Center for the Boat Show. It was super fun to have a beer and wander around dreaming of summer. Kellan loves going places with lots of things to look at so he had a pretty great time and even took a stroller nap for a little while. Boat shopping is exhausting. While the kiddo napped we had a little fun at the Progressive booth with Flo - ha :)

Saturday night we had Pete's brother, Mitch and his wife, Carly over for dinner. We made black bean soup by request of Carly - the soon to be new mama!!! It was really fun and we seriously love spending time with those two. No fun pictures... maybe next time.
Sunday I was throwing a Baby Shower for above mentioned Carly out at a family member's house. It was so much fun to get some of the people who love her together to celebrate the pending arrival of my nephew. :) Loved every minute of it and can't wait to meet that little guy. Then I headed home and my mom came over to hang out with me. Kellan was napping so we chatted until he woke up and she got in a little bit of Oma time before she had to leave. Then Sunday night we watched the incredibly boring Super Bowl. Womp womp womp.
Today I went to the gym intending to run at least 3 miles. I guess that's my theme lately. I head to the gym with no real goal in mind until the mood on the treadmill strikes me. Maybe I need to start following some kind of a training plan since I'm all over the place lately with my running. Anyway - last week on Thursday I got in that great 5 mile run out of the blue, and then Friday I only had time to run 2.36 miles - literally had to get off the treadmill, change and run back to my desk. So today I decided to cover the treadmill screen with a magazine. A good trick when the days of winter are stretching on too long and you would give anything to run outside. I decided to run through 9 songs on the album I picked - The Starting Line. It felt like a long run but I turned the treadmill up one speed click each time a new song came on and after 9 songs I was at 4.3 miles so I finished up at a solid 5 miles.
Workout: Treadmill Run
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 39:09
Pace: 7:50/mile
I'm pretty happy that I've been putting in a couple extra miles these days. I can't wait to get outside and get some longer ones in. Thinking of spring.... Thinking of spring.... Thinking of spring....
I've been pretty sore lately on my runs which inevitably means I am WAY overdue on new shoes. I know I am way over the mileage usage on this pair. So bad. I need to get better about buying new shoes sooner, it's just that they are so... dang... expensive~! Especially since I need several pairs each year. Anyway - so today I went on and bought the new Nike Flyknit Lunar +1 shoes. FANCY!! I'm excited to try them out and see if the Flyknit technology is all it's cracked up to be. I'll let you know.
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