Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Run Update


So this week has been pretty good for running. I am finally healthy - knock on wood - and my runs are feeling better. Pete and I ran 10.5 miles on Saturday morning. It was a little tough because we had the BOB stroller, but we made it. I was very proud of both of us.

Monday I ran 4 miles on the dreadmill. It's been raining for months and months and months over here so no outdoor runs this week. I did another treadmill run this morning for 5 miles. Awesome. My plan is to run tomorrow, lift on Friday and then get in my long run again on Saturday. It's supposed to rain on Saturday so there's a chance it won't happen. To be honest if I don't get in my long run this weekend I don't really care. I have a 10 mile run scheduled with my friend, Elizabeth, for the following weekend and then I can do a 12 mile run the weekend after that. So we'll see what happens! :)

This week has been interesting - I'm seriously swamped at work. The Wild have been playing some crazy, late hockey games. We haven't been able to go out at night for walks like we were last week. Dang. I'm really looking forward to some better weather heading our way. A nice Sunday would really help. Hear that Mother Nature!? A nice Sunday please!!

I don't have any new pictures, but this picture from Easter is so cute of Kellan. He's saying - "look Mom at this super cool EGG!"

He is TOO cute - I die. Also - please note the weather. I would like a repeat of that please.

I participated in the April Plank Challenge and today I completed my 3 minute plank! WOW - that's an arm/shoulder burner. I will admit that I haven't been doing the daily plank for about the last week - but I made the 3 minute goal today. So a partial success.

We are going to go check out a few houses this weekend. We're casually perusing and excited to see where life might take us next.

I hope everyone is having a good week.

Anyone have any good runs planned out this week? 

Did anyone run the Get in Gear last weekend? How did you do? Leave a comment!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Catching Up, Running on Sick Lungs, Kiddo Stuff

Ok it has been WAY too long since I posted. I promise I'll get better, but life has just been crazy since I got sick. Last week I finally got on antibiotics and started feeling better. I got in a couple of runs after 12 DAYS of absolutely no running. My training definitely got stinted and my pace is a lot slower than it had been. I put in a few runs last week though and Pete and I were able to log a 7.5 miler over the weekend. It was slow, but steady. I felt good about it after the break. This week my runs have kind of been all over the place - but most of them have been really tough. I'm hoping for a good run soon - just to help out mentally if nothing else.

Easter was fun - we spent the day with Pete's family. The weather was incredible. We took a long walk over at Grandma's house and then came home, put some sunscreen on and played in the yard!!

On Monday I didn't have much time for my run, so I decided to go fast. It was INCREDIBLY windy that day. It seems to be a theme on my runs lately - spring winds - and I'm really ready for some calmer weather runs. Anyway I went 4.5 miles at an 8:10/mile pace. It was REALLY hard. I'm sure I lost a lot of cardio conditioning when I was sick and I think my lungs are still recovering, but WOW. At the end of my run I knew that I had put everything into the run because I DRY HEAVED hahaha. Oh my goodness I haven't done that in a long time. I really put it all on the table I guess. I was proud of my effort but wish it would have equated into a little bit better of a run.

Wednesday this week was my day off with the K man. It wasn't the best weather, but I loaded him into the BOB stroller in the morning and we went for a run over nap time. He stayed awake and enjoyed the first 2 miles of the run - kicking his legs and talking to me from his seat :) It's been interesting running with the BOB so far. Here are my Pros and Cons so far.

I feel like running with the BOB will ultimately make me a better runner, but right now it's making my runs pretty tough. I'm looking forward to being more conditioned to push it. Wednesday's run was really windy and the BOB stroller is like a sail in the wind making it really tough to run into a headwind. 

But we made it 4.5 miles - my running buddy got a little tired somewhere in there :)

Kellan and I went to Southdale on Wednesday afternoon to play at the Southdale indoor play area. Grandpa Lind met up with us. It was a fun day. 

Wednesday later in the afternoon Kellan had his 9 month check up. He weighed in at 20lbs 3oz!! The doctor took a look in his ears. He had previously been on a round of antibiotics for a double ear infection 3 weeks ago. Apparently his left ear was STILL infected. Poor guy. I thought he seemed a little off lately. So we started a new round of stronger antibiotics and I'm hoping he'll be as good as new soon!

Having an ear infection doesn't stop Kellan from getting his work done though. Priorities people! If only he would let me blog. But NOOOO he has all this googling he needs to get done all the time ;)

I promise I'll get on more often to keep you all updated. I have some running goals this weekend and into next week. I would LOVE to clock a 10 mile run this weekend. We'll see how that all pans out. I really should just commit to getting it done, but we'll see. Next week I need to start doing some speed workouts.

Have a great weekend - get out and enjoy the weather when it's not raining! :) 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Kellan is 9 months

To start - I've been sick for 10 days. TEN. I have not worked out basically at all, except for I did commit to the April Abs challenge and have been doing at least 1 plank a day - most days I do a set of 3. Pete and I took Kellan for a 3 mile run yesterday in the BOB too. The first family run of many I'm sure. :) It's HARD to push a BOB while running. It's also hard to run while sick. I spent a lot of the run coughing. Awesome.

Anyway - on to more important things. Kellan is 9 months old today. Here's a letter for him, from me.

Dear Kellan,

Today you turn 9 months old. I can't believe how fast your life is whizzing by. Every day you amaze me with the new things you can do. You are pretty independent and I love that about you. Even when you are off doing your own thing you look back to make sure your Dad or I are watching. We're watching kiddo. You're definitely our favorite and we're always watching to see what cool thing you'll do next.

You've graduated from sitting up unassisted, to standing at the table, to pulling yourself up onto EVERYTHING. You can walk around the table as long as you are holding on and you love to pull anything you can off the table, including cell phones, remotes, kindles. Anything you are not supposed to touch you really, really want to touch. Specifically laptops. You would think that's because we are on them a lot but kiddo WE ARE NEVER on our computer at home. But still, whenever we open that computer to google an address or turn on some tunes, you come cruising from any corner of the house to POUND on the keyboard. Ha! Have I mentioned how strong willed you are? Well.... you don't like to be put into your car seat or the BOB but once we get moving you love it. I think it's because you don't like to be TOLD what to do. You don't like it that I'm putting you in there and strapping you in. You don't like to get your diaper changed either. You're independent. And that's cool. You are cool, my dude.

So anyway - even though you don't love getting put INTO the BOB - you love going for walks and we recently learned you love going for runs too. I hope that sticks. You also love the outdoors and that is awesome. Your Dad and I are outside whenever the weather allows, so it's going to be a great summer!

You are crawling and standing and walking holding things. I got you a walk assist toy at Goodwill and you cruise around the living room with that thing. You love finger foods and you love to be able to feed yourself. You like to eat what we are eating, although you'll still demolish an organic baby food pouch. So far you don't have any food allergies and I've really been testing the waters there. (KNOCK ON WOOD). You'll still let me snuggle you when you are tired. I'll rock you in the rocking chair with your warm little head resting on my shoulder. I know I need to hold onto the memory of your weight and your smell and the sound of your breathing. It won't be too long before you won't want that anymore. But for now I relish that you do. Snuggling mom is cool, trust me!! :)

I can't believe that in 3 short months you are going to be 1. You are going to be walking soon and I am so excited for you. I'm nervous too. You are a daredevil and I know you are going to make my heart stop more than once. We have the house pretty "baby proofed" but walking will likely add a whole new dimension to that ordeal.

Every day that you've been in my life has been my favorite so far. We are so excited to watch you grow into your own little personality. I know you're going to rock! You already do.

I love you more than I can explain, but I know you can feel it. I know that you know.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Longest Run, Planking for April and a REALLY Sick Monkey

Hello friends and readers ...

So to start out - I AM SO SICK. My little monkey got a chest cold (among other things) and I have been STRUCK DOWN with such a bad chest cold. It's hard to breathe, hard to sleep, hard to exist. BLECH. Luckily I am on the final really bad day (I think) and so hopefully it gets better from here.

My kiddo got sick last week and we had to pick him up from daycare on Wednesday. I stayed home with him Thursday and  then on Friday he stayed home with dad. Friday afternoon he started to get really wheezy so we took him to the dr. My poor little guy had diarrhea, a double ear infection, and wheezing associated with the chest cold he had. The wheezing comes from the fact that he had RSV when he was younger. BUMMER. So they put him on Amoxicillan, an oral steroid for his lungs and a nebulizer that we had to put him on every 4 hours. It was tough. You parents out there know what I mean. Sick kids just break my heart... there was a lot of snuggling mixed in with some crying... :(

In true kiddo fashion - he still had a lot of good moments. He's awesome :) Here he is hanging out with his new friend, Albert. A gift from his great Aunt Karen. 

So other than being sick and having a really sick kid at home, I completed my longest run. As in the longest run of my life! Ever! WHOO HOO! I completed 13.72 miles. My longest run previous to that would have been 13.1 miles a few times on race days. I've never been the kind of person to train for a race by running further than the race distance. I think my longest training run before a half marathon was always 11 miles. And then I would complete 13.1 on race day. So needless to say I'm pretty stoked and getting ready for this half marathon has been totally different than any other time I've trained. I'm not running my long runs fast.... at all. But getting in the miles has just been cool for me. I am on a running break this week due to my cold, but I'll be back at it as soon as these lungs clear up. 

I also took up the Fit Fluential April Abs challenge and I'm planking every day. The goal is to get to a 3 minute plank by the end of the month - which seems crazy!! But adding 5 seconds a day makes me think I can accomplish it. 

 Over the weekend we got to spend some time with family. Grandma Janet had a choir concert - so we went and hung out with the family and caught the show. Kellan loved hanging out with his cousin, Jameson and his Aunt Amanda. He had to keep his distance from his Aunt Carly, Uncle Mitch and little baby cousin Everett since he has a cold and I didn't want Everett getting sick.

We have lots of plans this week and I'll try to be sure to pop on and update you guys later this week. I have the day off from work tomorrow and I plan to spend it outside. At the zoo. Carly, Everett, Kellan and I will be tromping about learning about Lemurs. I am really looking forward to it. 

Anyone else have fun plans to be outside this week? It's supposed to be in the 70s tomorrow!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Running Update and a Sick Kiddo

Kellan has been sick. We had to leave work on Wednesday and pick him up from daycare early. Poor dude. Luckily he's still in a pretty good mood, just having a tough time napping and sleeping at night. On top of the stomach bug he has right now he also has a nasty cough. Bummer. I stayed home from work with him yesterday and he's home today with his Daddy. :) BOY DAY!

Anyway - I was able to hit the gym today. After a morning chat with a coworker about speed workouts I decided to do a tempo run.

Mile 1 @ 7.3 speed on the treadmill
Mile 2 @ 8.0 speed on the treadmill
Mile 3 @ 8.2 speed on the treadmill
Mile 4 @ 8.3 - 8.6 speed on the treadmill
Mile 4 - 4.5 @ 7.6 speed on the treadmill

I ran my first mile in 8:20/mile. I ran the next 3 miles with a pace of 7:19/mile. Then did a .5 mile cool down at about a 7:50/mile pace. I was really happy about all of that. Training is coming along nicely. Right now my general goal for the half marathon is to get a sub 8:30/mile pace. That's taking into consideration the fact that the Minneapolis Half Marathon course is known to be pretty tough and hilly. In all honesty my REAL goal is just to finish the half marathon, since it was a goal I set for myself while pregnant - to have a baby and then finish a half marathon. But I already know I'll finish so the 8:30/mile pace is just a bonus for now. We'll see how training goes and I may reassess the time goal as I get closer to the race date.

Have any of you been doing speed workouts lately??

I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow for a friend that lives in Fargo. I am really excited to see her - especially to see how cute she is while pregnant!! Other than that it's a family day on Sunday - just spending some quality time with Kellan and Pete and meeting Papa Steve out for lunch :)

We've been doing some house projects lately, so we might tackle a little painting or something. We'll see. It really depends on the weather. We got a TON of snow last night but if it melts and it's nice out on Sunday I'll definitely want to be outside soaking up the sun instead of inside painting.

What are your plans for the weekend? Do I need to do a giveaway to get people to start commenting?!?!?!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekend Recap, Tried Plated and Training Update

Hello Internet. We had a great weekend! A GREAT ONE! I think it had a lot to do with the weather. It finally got nice out this weekend. The nice weather is gone for the moment, but it was here for the weekend and we took good advantage.

Friday night Grandma Janet came over and had dinner with us. It was so nice to spend some time with her and then she was gracious enough to stay with our little Kellan dude while Pete and I went on a short date. We decided to grab an app and some beers at Freehouse which is in the North Loop. We both really liked it. I think Pete was drooling over owning a brew pub that cool one day of his very own. It was some really nice time together.

On Saturday we got a few house projects done, we took Kellan to swim lessons, we went for a LONG walk outside and soaked up some vitamin D. It was really nice. We also got a shipment from a company called PLATED. I tried out their service for only $20! They sent us all the ingredients, already measured out, for two recipes that I selected. You can try them too here: (that's a referral link - so no pressure - but in case you are interested).

Here are the recipes I selected:
I tried to choose things that looked really good to me but that I wouldn't necessarily normally cook at home.
Beef Bibimbap
Chicken Souvlaki Pitas

The Ingredients come already measured out for each recipe. Pretty awesome and all the ingredients were super fresh. I was impressed. 

We actually made the chicken pitas last night. It was fun because we were still cooking ourselves but we didn't need to pick up a ton of ingredients at the store and we didn't have a bunch of leftover product to try to use in another recipe. I think we will use the service occasionally to get a few meals. It was fun!

But back to the weekend. Saturday night we babysat the beautiful Eva girl. The kids played with each other - by which I mean they grabbed onto each other's clothes and pulled and looked at the same toys on the floor. Ha. They had a great bath together and I could tell they were both really interested in being in there together. Very cute. And we ended the night with matching fox pjs. Because how could we not? Elise and Tom went out to dinner for their anniversary and we were happy to have the time with our "niece". :)
On Sunday Mitch and Carly came over. We hung out on the back deck because the weather was gorgeous. We took the babies for a walk through the park to soak up the outdoors as much as we could. Carly made dog birthday cakes because it was Pepper's birthday and Wyatt's birthday is coming up on May 17th! Too cute. Those puppies really loved their birthday cakes from Carly!

Training is coming along. Pete and I were going to run outside with the BOB stroller on Sunday but the day got away from us and we were having too much fun. Monday I went for a 4.5 miler outside and today I got in 5 miles on the treadmill. The half marathon is inching ever closer. I've also started thinking about my other race this summer. We will be running Ragnar Great River in August. It's my favorite race of the year. I'll do a recap of our last Ragnar one of these days so those of you who have never experienced a Ragnar can see what it's all about.

Have any of you tried Plated? 

Do you have any fun races you are signed up for this summer?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I was chipped!!

This week has been a good week for workouts. I'm happy with myself. Whoo hoo. Go me! :)

Monday's Workout: 
Treadmill Run: 5 miles

I've taken to calling them DREADmill runs because I just want to get outside and run. Spring - PLEASE!!!

Tuesday's Workout: 
A serious lift session that included back, shoulders, abs, triceps and biceps. I'm still sore.

Wednesday's Workout: I had this Wednesday off with Kellan, but since it's our final Whip It Wednesday competition at work I did get a run in. I brought Kellan to a doctor appt in the morning and then dropped him at daycare just long enough to get in a run at LA Fitness.
Treadmill Run: 6.5 miles

After my run I went to hang out with my sister in law, Carly and my new nephew Everett. We had lunch and went for a long walk even though it was a little chilly outside. You know, just a couple of moms going for a walk on a Wednesday afternoon. Ha ha.

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with how my training for my half marathon has been unfolding. I just hope it continues to be as successful as time crawls on.

So! On Tuesday I came home from work to find this on my front step!

Right away I was excited because I love this brand. Food Should Taste Good has definitely graced my shopping cart more than a few times. And I knew what was waiting inside that box. Deliciousness. Healthy deliciousness. 

 Food Should Taste Good sent me a variety of their chips. SWOON! They make sweet potato chips that are made with all natural ingredients. Their chips have 25% less fat than other sweet potato chips. That means they are way better for me than regular chips. And here's the kicker - they taste awesome. We busted open the bag of Salt and Vinegar chips that very night and even Pete liked them. We can't wait to try the other flavors they sent - Sweet Potato chips in Barbeque and Salt and Pepper, in addition to the Salt and Vinegar that we already enjoyed. They also apparently make Kettle Corn chips. WOW. We are going to salsify some of those bad boys. SOON. I'll let you know how the other flavors are. I'm sure they are going to rock. Check them out at any store. I've seen them all over. Trust me - they are GOOD! And good for you! (And for those who care they are gluten free. I'm not. But they are.)

It's going to be a crazy week. My stepdad's birthday is tomorrow so we'll be heading to their house for a birthday dinner. Friday we have a baby sitter - whoo hoo - DATE NIGHT. Saturday night we are babysitting for Tom and Elise so we'll be staying in. Then Sunday we are going to get out and enjoy the warm weather that is supposed to be gracing us. Sunday night Pete is going to the Wild hockey game with Tom. I'll leave you with a picture of Kellan trying to play with Wyatt yesterday. Wyatt is very sweet with Kellan, but is much more interested in his toys. Just wait until Kellan can THROW your toys for you Mr. Wyatt. You may be changing your mind about this Kellan guy. He may well end up being your favorite person in the world. In fact I'm pretty sure that inevitable :)

Has anyone else tried Food Should Taste Good chips? 

Does anyone have any cool weekend plans?

Comment below!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Committing to the Stretch and Strengthen Day

Well hello there. It's been a little while since my last post. Let's catch up, shall we?

Last weekend was a good one. The weather is finally warming to a temperature that is just barely tolerable when you step outside and that's been so good for my mindset. I can't wait for spring to be here. To go for walks after work. For Kellan to learn how to walk on the grass instead of standing at the window staring out at the snow.

So I'll start with how my training plan has been going.
Saturday: I actually did Stretch and Strengthen - stretching and planks for 20 minutes on the floor in Kellan's room while he played. Whoo hoo!
Monday's Workout: Ran 4 miles on the treadmill. I don't remember my pace, but I got in 4 miles.
Tuesday's Workout: A good lift session, abs and more stretching.
Wednesday's Workout: Ran 8 miles at an 8:20/mile pace. Wow - I am ahead of my training plan in mileage and that feels really good. Wednesdays we have a competition at work for most steps and that was definitely a motivating factor in how many miles I got in. My total fitbit miles for the day were over 12 since I also did a lot of walking that day. Awesome.
Thursday: Rest Day - but we did stick Kellan in the BOB stroller after work and went for a long walk with Wyatt. We had to get out and enjoy the sun and 40 degree weather.
Friday's Workout: This morning I woke up and came into work early. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill BEFORE work. I can't even remember the last time I did that, but I have lunch plans today with the girls at work so I had to get it in. I am so happy that I made the decision and came in and got it done. Run for today - check.

I've been doing really great with getting my miles in. My training plan wants me to run 4 days a week, but I'm fine with 3 or 4 days depending on the week. I need to COMMIT to the stretch and strengthen days though. I am so guilty of not doing that. Why is it that I can go for a run that takes me over an hour, but I find it hard on the weekends to sit down and stretch for 15 - 20 minutes? It doesn't make sense. I also find myself skipping lift days when in my mind I KNOW how important cross training is. I convince myself at times that getting in more miles will help me more. But I know that stretching and strengthening will ultimately make me a better runner than a few more 3 mile training runs. So like before when I committed on this blog to run at least 3 times a week, I am committing to stretching. Should it really be that hard? :) Anyone else find this to be the case for them? Please tell me I'm not alone here!!!!

In other news Kellan is awesome. God I love that kid. Pete and I were talking just the other night about how fast everything is happening. He's trying to walk at daycare. WALK! I mean what happened to my little tiny peanut guy that couldn't even hold his own head up? Don't get me wrong it's amazing. Watching him grow is so cool. He's learning so much. You can't stop him from standing anymore. He's crawling all over the house and pulling himself up onto everything. PULLING HIMSELF UP. It's just crazy. And awesome.

He also got to meet his new cousin recently. Which is just so cool. Super happy for Mitch and Carly. Their baby is seriously cute. I can't wait to see what kind of kiddo he is going to be. I already know these two are going to be great friends. It's going to be awesome to see them growing up together. Learning from one another.

This weekend we have some fun plans. Tonight we have dinner with Oma and Papa. Saturday Kellan has swim lessons and then we are going to watch the Wild game with some friends, Elise and Tom and Kellan's best friend, Eva :) Sunday we are having lunch with Grandma Janet. It's going to be a great weekend. I can't wait for the kind of weather when we can get outside and go for more walks. Especially since Kellan LOVES being outside. I'll leave with a picture of the kiddo being a ham - I love it. Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, March 10, 2014

A shiner, a weekend, a nephew, some running

Friday at work I ran a little longer run during lunch. I had gotten into work early that day at 7am, so I figured a couple extra minutes at lunch would be ok. I got in 7.62 miles! WHOO HOO. It was still kind of icy out on the trails, but it felt good to be outside breathing the fresh air. I was able to run with my friend at work, Beans. I swear we talk the whole time and it just makes the run go by so quickly.

We picked Kellan up from daycare on Friday and the kiddo had his first shiner. Under his eye was red and kind of puffy. I think he met the mean side of a table or something. Which is not surprising because that kid just wants to stand, stand, stand all day long.

Of course he's healing like crazy cause that's what little kiddos do. Luckily.

We had a great weekend. Friday night we stayed in waiting for news of our new nephew's arrival. He didn't end up being born until Saturday. Saturday we took Kellan to his weekly swim lesson and then while he napped after class we grabbed a quick Big Jim IPA at Northbound Smokehouse near our house and some wings. We like to try to get out while the kiddo naps when we can and he's great about taking a snooze in his car seat. We just bring him in with us and if he happens to wake up we let him hang out and have a snack at the table :)

We did a big grocery shopping trip and cleaned the house and just kind of hung out at home. We were still kind of waiting to hear about our nephew and wanted to be available. Sunday we hung home. We painted a ton of trim on our main level. We are kind of contemplating potentially listing our house for sale so we are trying to get it ready for showings. We went for a walk outside in the amazingly warm weather. I wish the sun had been brighter, but it was still awesome to get outside. It was our first time using the BOB stroller and Kellan loved it. He fell asleep during our walk - it's the fresh air and it was nap time - and so we let him snooze for a bit once we got home.

After the walk and an afternoon nap we played in the house for a little while - and got really excited to go meet Kellan's new nephew :)

After a couple of hours we headed to the hospital to meet him! We were so excited to meet him and to see Pete's brother and our amazing sister-in-law. He is so adorable! I won't post pictures yet, but there will definitely be pictures coming. It was so awesome just to see him and he looked so healthy and it was just amazing :) I love being an aunt for the second time - and I can't wait to spend a little more time with him. We brought some champagne and toasted his arrival. Here's hoping his parents get some sleep in the coming month(s) ;)

Our cat has been super snugly since his surgery last month - so he spent a little quality time on my lap on Sunday night while we watched the Wild game.

And lastly my half marathon training plan OFFICIALLY started today. Pete and I are both following the plan. In the first few weeks the mileage goals are low so I'll modify where I feel like I can. This week calls for four 3-mile runs and a 5 mile run this weekend. I ran 5.2 miles outside today. It was amazing weather and I had to take the opportunity while I could.

No plans tonight. Just hanging with Pete and the kiddo. I'll try to upload some pictures I took of my nephew at the hospital and send them to my sister-in-law, but other than that no plans :)

Has anyone else had any good runs lately?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Whip It Wednesdays

It's Pete's birthday today!! He's 32. Should I be telling the internet that? Does he care? He's younger than me so there should be no shame. Although for the next month we're the same age! Whoo hoo.

So at work we are doing a Fitbit challenge and we have a team head to head competition on Wednesdays. We call it Whip It Wednesday - as in Whip It Into Shape! It's a really cool program through my work. They gave all the employees a free Fitbit and they've set up challenges throughout the year. I'm lucky enough to be on our wellness committee so I get to help come up with the ideas. It's good motivation. So back to Whip It Wednesday -

I ran 7 miles over lunch. SEVEN! YAYAYAYAY! I am so happy - it's my longest run since before I was pregnant. Just inching ever closer as I start my half marathon training.

Wednesday's Workout: Treadmill Run
Distance: 7 miles
Time: 54:50
Pace: 7:50/mile

Tonight we will celebrate my husband's birthday. We're having Halibut - YUM! I put Kellan into a cute new outfit this morning. I don't ever buy full priced clothes for him, but I really like him to look nice. Whenever Gap has an additional 40% off their clearance items I go take a look. Some of the items are still overpriced in my opinion - even at 40% off the clearance price, but I've found some steals lately. I'll typically get the item if it's $6 or less - just to give you an idea of how hard I'm searching for the right deals ha.

Here's a picture from this morning (before I blow dried and styled my hair) of Kellan's new corduroy pants and cute onsie with a monster on it saying Feed Me. :)

What a cutie. I love him. 

It's supposed to be warmer here on Friday so I plan to do my run outside. Another 5 miler I think. I love running outside the first few times of the year. It's so liberating to be off the treadmill and and outside breathing the fresh air. 

Anyone else have any good run stories to share in the comments?
Do you like running outside for the first few times of the season?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Rockin' Weekend and Pete's Birthday Week

We had a great weekend. Friday night was a chill night at home. Saturday we got up and did some things around the house - grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. Then we took Kellan to his swim lesson - which he still loves so much. That's so awesome. Saturday afternoon we hung out with Pete's mom for a little while and had lunch - it was super nice to spend some time with her. Saturday night we went over to Pete's (twin) brother's house. I made a chicken rice bowl recipe to celebrate their birthday - which is coming up tomorrow. It was super fun and Kellan loved hanging out with his Aunt Carly and his future cousin!!!

Too cute - I die. I can't wait for those kiddos to hang out in real life! Amazing. I feel incredibly lucky to have family that we really like hanging out with on both sides! WOW. 

Sunday Pete was brewing with his friends so my mom and I took the little dude to a free event in Minneapolis called Rock the Cradle. 

I heard that the event was pretty busy and some people even told me to skip it because it gets too crowded. We decided to get there early and got inside 10 minutes before the event was supposed to start. There were areas all throughout the Art Museum that were set up with different activities for the kiddos. We headed straight to the photo booth for a quick photo. I think they are going to email it to me - so I'll post it when I get it. Then we went to the Cartoon and Music production. It was put on by a guy that is a cartoon illustrator that mixes his cartoons up a big projection screen with songs that he sings about the characters in the story. Well - Kellan LOVED it. They gave out these weird moracca things that made noise. He loved the music and he was really digging watching the other kids dance. It was awesome and I loved that my mom got to spend the time with him. 

After the event we went to lunch at one of our favorite spots - Mill Valley Kitchen. We split the hummus plate and each got a bowl of their Vegan Chili. It is SO good. Everything I've ordered there has been really good. It's a different concept of a restaurant because they list the calories and I think the protein level in each meal. It's pretty awesome. It's organic. We really like going there - so it was a treat for me to get to spend that time with my mom at a place we both enjoy so much. And she paid for lunch too! I am so lucky!

Sunday night I had one pooped kiddo. He took a long bath at night and then passed out on my lap during his last feeding of the night. HOW CUTE! And don't worry - his cheeks are only red because his exema was a little red from the longer bath. What a cutie. God I love that kiddo. 

He was up really early on Monday morning so I was up too. While he played on the floor I did a circuit workout on the floor next to him. 

Monday's Workout: Circuits

15 push ups, 15 Table Dips, 15 Squats (repeat the circuit 3 times)
15 - 15lb arm curls, 10 - 15lb overhead presses, 15 sit ups (repeat the circuit 3 times)

It was nice to get a quick workout in before the day even started. Then I took the stairs to work which is 15 flights. Not to shabby. That afternoon we actually went to go look at a house we were interested in. It's crazy to be starting the process or even the THOUGHT PROCESS of moving, but we're getting to the point where we are ready for a bigger house with a different layout. I'll talk more about that in a future post. 

I took the stairs up to work again today - maybe it's a new habit?? I also got down to the gym over lunch. 

Tuesday's Workout: Treadmill Run
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 39:52
Pace: 7:47/mile

Tomorrow is Pete's birthday so we'll be celebrating and I have to wrap his presents tonight. He has the golf simulator tonight with his buddies so Kellan and I can have a wrapping party :)

Have a great night everyone!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Training for a Race

I think I mentioned in a previous post that I signed up for the Minneapolis Half Marathon on June 1.

I typically sign up for races because they help me run. I have a goal - something I'm working towards. It's motivation to get out the door and go for a run. There are plenty of times during the year when I am not training for a race and I run because I want to, but having a race on the horizon is motivating. 

I'm using Hal Higdon's Intermediate race plan, but my training plan doesn't start until March 10th. So I'm still running rogue! Ha. I've noticed that I've tried to fit in a few longer-ish runs lately, so it's motivating me already. I say long-ish because they are long for where I am at in the running season, but I'll be running much farther runs in the near future. 

I had Wednesday off from work to spend with Kellan. I love those days with my dude. I decided that I would drop him off at daycare for just over an hour so I could hit the gym and do a longer run. I think I mentioned having a goal of running 6 miles in my last post. So I dropped him off and drove to the gym in the polar vortex that is Minnesota lately. It's very UNmotivating weather right now. All I want to do is eat meat and potatoes and wear sweat pants. :) Anyway - and as I was pulling into the parking lot of the gym I caught myself bargaining.... with myself... about my run... before I had even stepped foot inside the gym itself. In my mind I was saying - "just run at least 4 miles". WHAT? Run at least 4 miles? My goal was to run 6 miles. But I was a little tired, and I wasn't really into a longer run. I haven't run further than 5 miles since before I was pregnant, which would be over a year and half ago. Maybe I was nervous? So as I walked into the gym I was telling myself - "don't be ridiculous Breanna. Run at least 5 miles." 5 miles?!?!? Again - isn't my goal here to run 6 miles? It's so easy to talk yourself out of a run before it's even begun. I mean shouldn't I have at least waited until I was on the treadmill to see how the run was feeling before I started chopping miles off? I do this all the time. I find it hard to muster the right motivation - especially on the treadmill. And that's OK! I went to the gym and I ran. And in this instance I actually did run 6 miles. And I felt really good about that. But sometimes it's ok to just run 4 miles too. I have to remember that. Does anyone else do this? 

Having my race out there - even though it's quite some time until I'll need to run the 13.1 miles - is proving to be somewhat motivational. Just like I hoped it would. 

Yesterday I went to the gym telling myself that I should just run 3 miles - even though my goal had been 4 miles, so here I was doing it to myself again. :) In fact when I started my run I looked down and the treadmill said 1:03. As in one minute and three seconds! And I was already sighing thinking it was going to be a long one. And it kind of was, but I made it 4 miles and I felt good afterwards. That's almost always the case - feeling great once its done. Sometimes you just have to keep in mind how great you'll feel when you are done to get the motivation to start. 

Yesterday morning my kiddo was up at 5:15am, so I found myself pulling home made muffins out of the oven at 5:45am. Wrapping a present for a party that night at 6am. It was a crazy morning. The start of my work day consisted of a freshly cooked muffin and a cup of coffee - a little much needed caffeine. Don't judge my Christmas mug - ha ha - I hate using the Styrofoam cups at work. 

Last night we went to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday at a new place in Golden Valley called Pub 42. It was a really fun night with family and Kellan was seriously an awesome little dude all night. 

He's been trying some new foods lately. He doesn't like canned baby food - at all. He likes real foods and prefers that they not be pureed. I found some packets at Target for older babies that he's been digging lately. They are called World Baby Organic pouches. One of them is for Mexican style and it's rice, beans and corn. The other is something else and it's chicken, veggies and quinoa. He loves them - can't get enough! What a funny palette he has. 

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. My sister-in-law is going to have her baby (my nephew!!!!) any day, swim lessons, dinner with aforementioned SIL and Pete's brother for a birthday dinner, Sunday hanging with Kellan and my mom at Rock the Cradle. It's going to be a great weekend and I can't wait. 

Do you guys have anything cool planned for this weekend? Any workouts?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's Official - he's Crawling and Crazy

It's official - Kellan is crawling. For the last few weeks he would eek forward slightly on all fours and then give up. We knew the crawling was coming, but then for over a week he kind of gave up on the whole crawling thing and was obsessed with standing. Standing. Standing! EVERYWHERE STANDING! All of the kids in his daycare class walk, so it makes sense that he wants to skip the whole crawling thing and go straight to walking, but walking is hard. And last night my dude crawled officially 3 different times, to 3 different locations. It has begun.

Does Kellan want to crawl to his mama? No.
Does Kellan want to crawl to his daddy? No.
Does Kellan want to crawl over to try to touch the space heater? YES.
Does he want to crawl over and put his arms entirely inside the dog's full water dish? Why yes he does. :)

He is going to be T.R.O.U.B.L.E. The kid has no fear - he's all boy - no guts, no glory.

We already had the plug covers, but the baby gates need to be installed ASAP and the table corner bumper, foamy, thingies are in my Amazon Prime cart on their way to my house! Life is changing. Quickly. Gone are the days of setting Kellan to happily play on the rug in the kitchen while mama whips up a healthy batch of Banana Muffins. Gone are the days of setting Kellan on the floor of the bathroom with a few toys while mama does her hair in the morning. It's going to be a crazy ride and his dad and I can't wait! We are so excited for Kellan and all these new adventures he'll find himself in. We just want to make the world he's about to explore as safe as possible. :)

In other news I've been sick. Again. I swear to god I am Kellan's sickness filter. He brings home germs, puts them directly into my mouth with his hands, I build up immunity - which luckily he gets through breast feeding, and then I get sick and he does not. I'm not complaining, because I would gladly take the sickness and have him not get it, but jeez I've been sick A LOT this year.

I wasn't able to work out on Monday because work was swamped and honestly I was really tired anyway. I did get in a 3 mile run today. Tomorrow is my Wednesday off from work with Kellan. I am going to drop him off at daycare for an hour in the afternoon and try to get in a 6 mile run at the gym. EEEEK! We'll see how it goes. I'll leave you with this picture of Kellan who is loving playing with the dog lately. CUTE! Future Best Friends :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

8 Things

1. Wait - it's not Friday yet?!?!?!?

2. Kellan's tooth finally popped through the gum on the top. WHEW for all of us. Now the second upper needs to cut and we'll all be a lot happier. Poor dude. Poor us. hahahah.

3. I ran outside yesterday. It was amazing! It was probably 37 degrees, no wind, sunny! I ran with a friend from work over lunch and we did a 5.2 mile route. I felt great the whole time and that's just awesome. Today I did an easier 3 miles on the treadmill while watching the start of the USA vs. Canada Women's Gold Medal Hockey game.

4. Speaking of running - I officially signed up for the Minneapolis Half Marathon which is on June 1. Training plan starts on March 10th. I'm going to do the Hal Higdon Intermediate Half training plan. I also signed up for Ragnar in August. I'm stoked and nervous for both. I sure hope Kellan likes spending time in the Bob Running Stroller!!! Training plans make me nervous for some reason. It will help to keep me on track for sure but man the nerves hahaha. The hardest part of running a race is the training. Let it begin!

5. I ripped a bunch of new recipes out of my Cooking Light magazine the other day. I can't wait to make them. I'll share them on here when I do.

6. Speaking of recipes I made a Cooking Light Sloppy Joe recipe to bring to a friend's house last weekend. It was amazing - here's the recipe if you are interested.

7. I know I said in my post the other day that Kellan's new favorite thing is standing, but it really, really is. He pulls himself up onto everything. I think he might skip the whole crawling thing only because he just doesn't want to. So we'll see. He's not close to walking, or ever standing without holding onto things, but still. He's awesome. Cutie.

8. Saw this tweet today and it made me laugh out loud. Hope it does for you too!

Hubs: If you could sleep with... Me: THOR!!! Hubs: ...the fan off tonight, that'd be great. Me: Ohhhh...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New Workout (try it!), Teething, 7 Months

Ok to start out my kiddo turned 7 months old on Friday. Time is going too fast!!!
Photo: Happy 7 months to my little dude!
Kellan at 7 months old there are SO MANY things I love about you. You are about to crawl any day. It's frustrates you so much that you can't figure out how to move forward. In fact most of the times you try and end up pushing yourself backwards. I can understand how frustrating that must be, kiddo, but it's not long before you are going to be tearing around on your knees. You happened to be teething this weekend which is so sad and tough to watch. You will be playing happily and then start crying for what appears to be no reason. Your dad and I can see that angry tooth pushing through your top gums and I hope it pops out soon so we can have our incredibly happy, playful baby back. Your favorite thing to do right now is to stand. You love to stand at your activity table, holding onto the couch, holding onto mom or dad, you just love to stand. You can stand without our help as long as you are holding onto something and that just amazes me. You amaze me every day. You are talking up a storm - mostly just saying BAA BAA BAA BAA over and over again - sometimes mixing in a BLAA BLAA BLAA BLAA which is awesome. I love you kiddo more than you know. You love your weekly swim lessons and we love watching you learn. You know when I say Kick Kick Kick to kick your legs and how cool is that? You rock.

I had President's Day off yesterday and spent it with Kellan since his daycare was closed. I swear they are closed for EVERYTHING. I was hoping to drop him off at daycare and go to spin at the gym but alas no. Instead we battled the snowy roads and went to Southdale Mall for the afternoon with Elise and Eva. It was a really fun way to spend a day off.

To make up for no workout yesterday I was sure to hit the gym at lunch today. I tried out a new workout that I heard about from a friend. I tweaked it just a little at the end by increasing the speed every 30 seconds for the last few minutes - but I put together a little visual in case you want to try it out. I call it the Diamond Treadmill Run:

Workout: Diamond Treadmill Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 30:12
Pace: 7:27/mile

We went to our friend Tara and Ryan's new house this weekend. They bought a new construction house in Plymouth and SWOON! It's gorgeous and BUILT FOR ENTERTAINING. It's got me yearning to move even though we should probably wait another little while. I am so happy for them though - that house is awesome. It's going to be a great place to entertain and I expect we'll be out there enjoying it with them from time to time.

That's all I have for today. I hope everyone is having an awesome week so far.