I think I mentioned in a previous post that I signed up for the Minneapolis Half Marathon on June 1.
I typically sign up for races because they help me run. I have a goal - something I'm working towards. It's motivation to get out the door and go for a run. There are plenty of times during the year when I am not training for a race and I run because I want to, but having a race on the horizon is motivating.
I'm using Hal Higdon's Intermediate race plan, but my training plan doesn't start until March 10th. So I'm still running rogue! Ha. I've noticed that I've tried to fit in a few longer-ish runs lately, so it's motivating me already. I say long-ish because they are long for where I am at in the running season, but I'll be running much farther runs in the near future.
I had Wednesday off from work to spend with Kellan. I love those days with my dude. I decided that I would drop him off at daycare for just over an hour so I could hit the gym and do a longer run. I think I mentioned having a goal of running 6 miles in my last post. So I dropped him off and drove to the gym in the polar vortex that is Minnesota lately. It's very UNmotivating weather right now. All I want to do is eat meat and potatoes and wear sweat pants. :) Anyway - and as I was pulling into the parking lot of the gym I caught myself bargaining.... with myself... about my run... before I had even stepped foot inside the gym itself. In my mind I was saying - "just run at least 4 miles". WHAT? Run at least 4 miles? My goal was to run 6 miles. But I was a little tired, and I wasn't really into a longer run. I haven't run further than 5 miles since before I was pregnant, which would be over a year and half ago. Maybe I was nervous? So as I walked into the gym I was telling myself - "don't be ridiculous Breanna. Run at least 5 miles." 5 miles?!?!? Again - isn't my goal here to run 6 miles? It's so easy to talk yourself out of a run before it's even begun. I mean shouldn't I have at least waited until I was on the treadmill to see how the run was feeling before I started chopping miles off? I do this all the time. I find it hard to muster the right motivation - especially on the treadmill. And that's OK! I went to the gym and I ran. And in this instance I actually did run 6 miles. And I felt really good about that. But sometimes it's ok to just run 4 miles too. I have to remember that. Does anyone else do this?
Having my race out there - even though it's quite some time until I'll need to run the 13.1 miles - is proving to be somewhat motivational. Just like I hoped it would.
Yesterday I went to the gym telling myself that I should just run 3 miles - even though my goal had been 4 miles, so here I was doing it to myself again. :) In fact when I started my run I looked down and the treadmill said 1:03. As in one minute and three seconds! And I was already sighing thinking it was going to be a long one. And it kind of was, but I made it 4 miles and I felt good afterwards. That's almost always the case - feeling great once its done. Sometimes you just have to keep in mind how great you'll feel when you are done to get the motivation to start.
Yesterday morning my kiddo was up at 5:15am, so I found myself pulling home made muffins out of the oven at 5:45am. Wrapping a present for a party that night at 6am. It was a crazy morning. The start of my work day consisted of a freshly cooked muffin and a cup of coffee - a little much needed caffeine. Don't judge my Christmas mug - ha ha - I hate using the Styrofoam cups at work.
Last night we went to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday at a new place in Golden Valley called Pub 42. It was a really fun night with family and Kellan was seriously an awesome little dude all night.
He's been trying some new foods lately. He doesn't like canned baby food - at all. He likes real foods and prefers that they not be pureed. I found some packets at Target for older babies that he's been digging lately. They are called World Baby Organic pouches. One of them is for Mexican style and it's rice, beans and corn. The other is something else and it's chicken, veggies and quinoa. He loves them - can't get enough! What a funny palette he has.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. My sister-in-law is going to have her baby (my nephew!!!!) any day, swim lessons, dinner with aforementioned SIL and Pete's brother for a birthday dinner, Sunday hanging with Kellan and my mom at Rock the Cradle. It's going to be a great weekend and I can't wait.
Do you guys have anything cool planned for this weekend? Any workouts?