- Order Christmas Cards
- Make address labels
- Mail Christmas Cards
- Order Christmas Presents
- Wrap Christmas Presents
- Buy Wrapping Paper
- Make Holiday Gift Tags
- Send Baby Shower Invites
- Fit in workouts
- Groceries
- Make a holiday food checklist so I know what to bring to the 6 holiday celebrations I'm going to.
That's just the tip of the iceberg. I've also been putting together gifts for the people at my son's daycare - there are 11 teachers that work with him occasionally. ELEVEN~!
So in the middle of all that chaos and on top of the fact that work has been crazy I've been trying to fit in workouts. I normally manage about 6 projects at a time at work and right now I have ten. TEN~!
Workouts lately:
Last Week Wednesday: 4 mile treadmill run
Last Week Thursday: Lift Circuit
Last Week Friday: 3 mile HIIT run
This Week Monday: 4 mile run
Today: Circuit Lifting
YAY! At least I'm staying on track with that. And I need to because in one month from tomorrow Pete, Kellan and I will be here:
Yes that is an actual picture of the beach at the resort we will be staying. I seriously cannot wait!
But first I need to make it through this busy time at work and I need to make it through the chaos of the holidays. Another thing that's getting added to the docket is Broomball. I am the captain of a broomball team through my work. I am so excited to be able to play again this year. I had to sit out last year since I was pregnant. We have a practice this Saturday and then our first game is next week on Thursday. Should be a fun season. For those of you who don't know what broomball is it's a sport played outdoors, on the ice, wearing broomball shoes, kind of similar to hockey in that you try to get the ball into the net using a broomball stick. It's super fun, and a real intense workout.
That's all I've got for now. I hope everyone has a great week. I'm heading tonight to get some new pads for broomball and I need to get groceries for all these events coming up. I have a lot of baking and cooking in my near future. :)
This time of year is so crazy! That resort looks amazing - jealous!